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1993 NCSS Participants

1993 Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer School


San Jose State University

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Katie Galie Amherst College Kathleen Arundel Western Washington
Christine Jayarajah College of St. Elizabeth James P. Carey Slippery Rock
Kristen Krajewski U Toledo Wendy A. Cook U California, Santa Barbara
John Lippert U Southern Maine Brian M. Cullison U California, Davis
Patricia Lugo-Ponce U Puerto Ric, Mayaguez Steve Delatte Nicholls State
Eric Meadows West Virginia Wesleyan Elizabeth H. Goka U California, Santa Cruz
Robert North Lake Forest College Michael P. Hamelin Norwich
Rhonda Patschke U Cincinnati Brian M. Hurley Slippery Rock
Joselin Quintana U Puerto Rico, Mayaguez John Muratori Adelphi
Sarah Tusing Seton Hall College Ying Wang Cumberland College
Tommie Wilson Tulane
Tommy Zovich Boston College

