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Post-Doc Openings – LLNL

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has openings for 2 post-doc radiochemists for:

development of novel radiochemical separation and delivery techniques at the micro scale for production of targets for high energy density programs. (NIF) https://www.llnl.gov/join-our-team/careers/find-your-job/all/radiochemistry/3743990000545796

and for

development of novel radiochemical separation and quantification techniques for nuclear forensics. You will develop systems tailored towards rapid separation of radionuclides, produce isotopes using neutron and charge-particle irradiation methods, and develop accurate radiochemical measurement techniques. (nuclear forensics) https://www.llnl.gov/join-our-team/careers/find-your-job/all/radiochemistry/3743990000574586

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