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TSG Scientist position

The focus of this Technical Support Group (TSG) team is the U.S. PACIFIC COMMAND, with the duty location being Pearl City, Hawaii.
Military experience is nice but not required.

“We are seeking a candidate with a strong academic background in nuclear science or nuclear engineering, such as might be attained via a Ph.D. degree program, and past experience in radiological/nuclear (R/N) detection. The candidate should be able to analyze R/N threats and related detection problems in order to provide operational, scientific and policy solutions to the Contingency and Exercises Department and supported units. The candidate’s background in R/N detection development and detection theory should accompany the ability to effectively communicate and instruct both technical and non-technical audiences, from the individual to the senior official level, in conducting effective R/N search operations. The prospective candidate should have experience in the interpretation of both detection and spectroscopic R/N data, and the operational recommendations that would accompany data analysis and interpretation.”

Again, this single position is being advertised via two avenues, with both avenues supplying us Scientists in the past–and future:
Current or former competitive services employees: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/485648400
U.S. citizens: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/485654900

Closes 29 Dec 2017.

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