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President’s Award WCI – Prof. Syed M. Qaim

In July 2023 at the 11th International Conference on Isotopes, Professor Syed M. Qaim of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and University of Cologne in Germany was presented with the President’s Award of the World Council on Isotopes by his Canadian colleagues in Saskatoon, Saskatcehwan, Canada.

Prof. Qaim received this award in recognition of his sustained pioneering work on nuclear data related to development of accelerator-based radionuclides for medical applications. The award is also an implicit recognition of his lifetime of work in other roles related to nuclear science.

Prof. Qaim is an associate member of the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Radiochimica Acta.

29th Rare Earth Research Conference

We are excited to be holding RERC29 in Philadelphia from June 26-30, 2022, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Science History Institute.  Our registration is now officially live!  The venue continues to operate under COVID protocols; while these are subject to change, we are assuming conservative venue requirements to ensure no one is turned away.  Thus, in addition to requiring masks, vaccines and a booster, there is a cap on how many attendees we can have in person.  As such, it is important that you register as soon as possible to ensure you secure your spot. Please note that your spot is not secured until the registration fee is paid and the abstract is submitted (provided you want to contribute one).  Abstracts may not be submitted after registration is complete.  We have also added a lower cost virtual option that allows access to the Spedding Award talk, as well as the 6 plenary lectures.  To register, use Google chrome and clear your cache before going to https://upenn.irisregistration.com/Site/RERC2022.  For more information about registration, including helpful hints and fee structure, please click here.  For accommodation recommendations, please click here.

Should you have any questions, please let us know. We look forward to seeing everyone there!


Marta and the RERC29 Planning Committee

Marta Guron, PhD

Managing Director, Center for Sustainable Separation of Metals

ACS Virtual Postdoc Symposium

We are delighted to invite you to join ACS’ first Virtual Postdoc Symposium on November 19.

ACS Virtual Postdoc Symposium

November 19, 2020, 11:00 AM-5:30 PM EST

Did you miss some of the outstanding presentations by postdoctoral scholars during the ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo in August?  ACS is pleased to invite you to join its first Virtual Postdoc Symposium, featuring live presentations by 49 postdoctoral scholars in six concurrent sessions.  This free event will include live Q&A after each presentation.  The technical program will be followed by a workshop on networking strategies, and a virtual happy hour will provide an opportunity to put those networking skills into practice.  To view the abstracts and register for this symposium, please visit www.acs.org/postdocsymposium

NUCL Business Meeting

Dear NUCL members, 

Given the format of the Fall ACS meeting, we were unable to hold our NUCL Business Meeting at that time.  Therefore, I invite all members to participate in our virtual NUCL Business meeting on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. EST (6:00 p.m. CST/5:00 p.m. MST/4:00 p.m. PST). This is an informational session to provide details on programming, budget, and related news to our members.  For this meeting, we will also be conducting a listening session for our members to provide insight and guidance on the future of the NUCL division. We strongly encourage students and postdoctoral scholars to attend.  As a bonus, we will also have a prize to give away for one lucky participant! 

The zoom information is given below.  NOTE: You will need the passcode below to join the meeting.   

Topic: NUCL Virtual Business meeting 

Time: Oct 25, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 

Please check with colleagues for the meeting link

Tori Forbes, 2020 Chair ACS NUCL Division
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Iowa

The 62nd Radiobioassy and Radiochemical Measurements Conference

The 62nd Radiobioassy and Radiochemical Measurements Conference will be at the Ala Moana Hotel 6-10 February 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.  The call for papers and conference information are available at:  www.rrmc.co

Please consider sharing and presenting your work in the following topical areas. Historically, RRMC will also accept abstracts for on-going projects that are not yet complete.

  • Sample Pre-treatment and Dissolution Methods
  • Radionuclide Chemistry
  • Radioanalytical Methods
  • Low-level and Non-nuclear Techniques (MS, KPA, Calorimetry, Optical…)
  • Rapid Analytical Methods in Response to Radiological Emergencies
  • Instrumentation, Software, and Automation Tools
  • Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Terrestrial and Marine Environments
  • Radon and epidemiological studies
  • Nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear power
  • Nuclear Waste Characterization/D&D/Restoration/Management
  • Radionuclide Speciation
  • Environmental Studies/Monitoring/Characterization/Remediation/Restoration
  • Radioisotopes in nuclear medicine
  • Nuclear Forensics
  • Regulations, Standards, and Compliance Issues
  • In-vivo/In-vitro Radiobioassay, Dosimetry, and Radiation Protection
  • Risk Assessment and Management
  • Environmental and Biokinetic Model Validation
  • Applications and Research Needs
  • Reference Materials and Certified Reference Materials
  • Metrology Applications
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  • Method Validation and Verification
  • Intercomparisons
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Traceability Evaluation
  • Radiological incidents / emergency preparedness exercise
  • Computational Methods/Statistical Tools/Uncertainty Evaluation
  • Radiation safety
  • Professional or career development activities or guidance
  • Other topics relevant to radiobioassay and radiochemical measurements

Material Science and Technology Conference

An Actinide and Lanthanide Materials Symposium will be re-established at the 2015 Material Science & Technology Conference. MS&T as a conference addresses a broad range of materials issues, ranging from manufacturing to applications, basic research and failure analysis in a broad range of materials. The Actinide and Lanthanide Materials Symposium has been dormant for over a decade, and we are looking forward to holding it approximately every 2 years moving forward. The symposium is intended to host a wide variety of topic in actinides and lanthanides, ranging from materials science studies, to solid-state physics, to manufacturing studies and processes. The symposium scope is below:

Actinide and Lanthanide materials display broad and varied behaviors driven by self-irradiation, unusual electronic structures, allotropic phase transformations, challenges in processing, reactivity and many other factors. This symposium seeks to understand the fundamental and applied materials science of Actinide and Lanthanide metals, alloys and compounds from experimental and computational studies of structure, transformations, processing, properties, and applications. Examples include:

  • Phase allotropy, thermodynamics and kinetics in plutonium and it alloys and compounds.
  • Deformation mechanisms in low-symmetry crystals of plutonium, uranium and their alloys.
  • Self-irradiation driven property or phase stability changes in aging nuclear materials.
  • Phase stability in Cerium and its alloys.
  • Processing and manufacturing studies of Actinide and Lanthanide materials.
  • Material compatibility and reaction studies in less-common materials.

The abstract deadline has been extended to the 31st of March. Please contact Adam Farrow, Symposium Organizer at afarrow AT lanl.gov with any questions.

Pacifichem 2015 Symposium on Theranostic Radiopharmaceuticals

A Symposium entitled “Chemistry for Development of Theranostic Radiopharmaceuticals,” Symposium #11 will be held at the Pacifichem 2015 Conference.

Corresponding Symposium Organizer: Dr. D. Scott Wilbur (US)
Co-Organizers: Dr. Michael Adam (CA), Dr. Yasushi Arano (JP), Dr. Paul Donnelly (AU), Dr. Jae Min Jeong (KR), Dr. Xianzhong Zhang (CN)

Symposium Flyer

This symposium will cover all aspects of the chemistry associated with development of theranostic radiopharmaceuticals. Theranostics radiopharmaceuticals have combined capability of diagnostic imaging and radionuclide treatment in a single agent. By combining imaging with therapy, treatments can be tailored to a specific patient. Patient-specific treatments can be more effective than broadly applied therapeutics, as they focus on the pharmacology relative to that patient and characteristics of his/her disease. In the simplest form, a theranostic radiopharmaceutical may contain a disease-targeting agent coupled with a single radionuclide that has emissions for both imaging and therapy. However, in more sophisticated forms, a theranostic radiopharmaceutical may be multifunctional and multimodal in nature. Multifunctional theranostic agents can have chemical moieties that: (a) target diseased tissue, (b) provide imaging capabilities (radioactive and/or photonics or contrast) to determine disease targeting, pharmacokinetics and iodistribution, and (c) deliver particle-emitting radionuclides for therapy, alone or in combination with chemotherapy agents. The symposium will highlight advances made in; (1) theranostic radionuclide preparation/purification; (2) chemistry of developing multifunctional disease-targeting scaffolds, (3) chemistry of conjugating radionuclide chelating or bonding agents; (4) chemistry of radiolabeling the theranostic agents; and (5) use of biological testing in development of theranostic radiopharmaceuticals.

Travel Fellowship – IUPAC General Assembly

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), a worldwide leader in advancing the chemical sciences, is holding its 48th General Assembly (August 6-13, 2015) and its 45th Congress (August 9-14, 2015) in Busan, South Korea.

The U.S. National Committee for IUPAC is seeking outstanding U.S. scientists and engineers under the age of 45, with interests and expertise related to the working groups of IUPAC, to travel as Young Observers to South Korea. The USNC/IUPAC will provide travel fellowships of $2500 to successful candidates.

This Young Observer Program provides an excellent opportunity to become involved in the work of IUPAC, develop an international network of scientists and engineers, and represent your U.S. colleagues in the chemical sciences.

Successful candidates must:

  • Be a U.S. scientist or engineer under the age of 45, be active in chemical or chemical engineering research in academia, government, or industry. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. Permanent Resident (Green Card Holder).
  • Have a specific interest in one or more of the business meetings and technical sessions that will be held in Korea.
  • Have a strong interest in collaborative work with scientists in laboratories outside of the United States.
  • Have an interest in continuing activities through the IUPAC organization.

Career scientist applicants should ideally have, but are not required to have, five years of independent research/work experience after the completion of their educational experience. In exceptional cases applications from graduate students and postdoctoral researchers will be considered.

Former Young Observers may apply for a maximum second Young Observer experience. They must demonstrate how they have remained involved with IUPAC since their first experience.

2015 Young Observer Program Application Deadline is February 23, 2015.

For more information about the program and to apply, visit http://ow.ly/GPPqI. Questions about the program can be directed to BISO AT nas.edu

Pacifichem 2015 Call for Abstracts

The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, known as Pacifichem 2015, will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2015. The Pacifichem Call for Abstracts is now open, and will close April 15, 2015. For complete information about the Pacifichem 2015 Call for Abstracts and the technical program, please visit www.pacifichem.org

PACIFICHEM – Dec. 15-20, 2015

The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, known as Pacifichem, will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2015. The Pacifichem 2015 technical program is complete. NUCL related symposia include:

  • Experimental and Theoretical Actinide Chemistry: From Fundamental Systems to Practical Applications [#42, Inorganic] (Organizers: John Gibson, Georg Schreckenbach, Tsuyoshi Yaita, Jun Li, and Ping Yang)
  • The Expanding Periodic Table: New Discoveries and Chemistry of the Heaviest Elements [#234, Inorganic] (Organizers: Heino Nitsche, Yuichiro Nagame, Zhi Qin, Peter Schwerdtfeger, Christoph Duellmann, Andreas Tuerler)
  • Nuclear Probes in Nanoscale Characterization [#254, Inorganic] (Organizers: Masashi Takahashi, Anita Hill, Virender Sharma, Junhu Wang, Kiyoshi Nomura, Yasuhiro Yamada)
  • Isotope Production – Providing Important Materials for Research and Applications [#363, Inorganic] (Organizers: Dennis Phillips, Katherine Gagnon, Yuichi Hatsukawa)
  • Computational Modeling of d- and f-Block Chemistry: Challenges and Opportunities [#130, Physical, Theoretical & Computational] (Organizers: Angela Wilson, Peter Schwerdtfeger, Kwang S. Kim, Zhenyang Lin, Tom Cundari)
  • Science with Beams of Radioactive Isotopes [#340, Physical, Theoretical & Computational] (Organizers: Sherry Yennello, Krzysztof Starosta, Yulinag Zhao, Hiromitso Haba)
  • Computational Modeling of d- and f-Block Chemistry: Challenges and Opportunities [#130, Physical, Theoretical & Computational] (Organizers: Angela Wilson, Peter Schwerdtfeger, Kwang S. Kim, Zhenyang Lin, Tom Cundari)
  • Fukushima and Radiological Contaminated Environments World-wide: The Important Role of Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry in Remediation and Restoration [#374, Physical, Theoretical & Computational] (Organizers: Takayuki Sasaki, Heino Nitsche, Chunli Liu, Zenko Yoshida, Stepan Kalmykov)
  • Application of Luminescent Materials for Radiation Detection [#442, Materials & Nanoscience] (Organizers: Keisuke Asai, Jian Zhang, Takayuki Yanagida, Safa Kasap)
  • Chemistry for Development of Theranostic Radiopharmaceuticals [#11, Bench to Bedside: Chemistry of Health Care] (Organizers: Scott Wilbur, Michael Adam, Paul Donnelly, Yasushi Arano, Jae Min Jeong, Xianzhong Zhang)
  • Chemistry of Molecular Imaging [#215, Bench to Beside: Chemistry of Health Care] (Organizers: Henry VanBrocklin, Gilles Tamagnan, Yasuhisa Fujibayashi, Len Luyt, Andrew Katsifis, Yearn Choe)
  • Recent Advances in Microfluidic Systems for Radiochemistry [#416, Bench to Bedside: Chemistry of Health Care] (Organizers: Giancarlo Pascalli, Yuji Kuge, Robert Michael van Dam)

For complete information about the Call for Round Two Symposium Proposals and the Preliminary Program please visit: http://www.pacifichem.org